Step 1:
How To Solve First Layer Edges

The easiest step is solving the first layer edges of the Rubik's Cube.
Remember that the center peice of every side of the cube identifies the colour of the side like in the given picture. Choose one color you want to start with. (we suggest you to start with white colour.)

In this beginner's tutorial we're going to start with the white face.

In this step you have to make a plus like in the given picture. But, there is a twist, while making a plus you have to take care that all the white edges (you are joining to make plus) should match with the centers itself. See picture Pc.02.
To do so, you have to use an algorithm that is: R U R' U R U2 R'

To use this algorithm, you have to make a plus. Dont care of matching pieces with correct colour untill you make a plus.

After you are done with a plus, then just look a piece which matches the center piece like the given picure. Where a white edge piece having red colour matches with the red center.
Then keep that peice in your front and then apply the given algorithm

(Apply the algorithm on the same side until all the pieces mathces with there matching centers)

After doing this, you are finish with this step. Now you can move to next step.

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